Employee Spotlight- Mellissa

Written by Amber Henry | Sep 6, 2018 5:31:44 PM

We at Elite think our staff are pretty awesome and want to give you the pleasure to get to know them as well!  Meet Mellissa!


Mellissa is our receptionist and always has a smile to greet you when you walk into our office! She is a hard worker and keeps us all laughing. Thanks for all of your hard work Mellissa!



1.What do you do for Elite?  I am Elite’s Receptionist, and Chic-Fil-A over-see-er
2.What do you love most about your job? Super hard to answer, I have sooo many reason’s! BUT, I can say, the experience Elite offers.
3.Describe yourself in 3 words. Oh, man…  Sweet, Reserved,Respectful
4.Do you have any hobbies? I wouldn’t call it a hobby, but more of a passion for Ballet 😊
5.What’s the last book you read? The Hot Zone by Richard Preston
6.What is your favorite family tradition? LOL, so every year for my sister or my birthday, my grandmother gets the other a small gift. This started when we were younger so the other wouldn’t get jealous. It just keeps going!
7.What was your favorite band 10 years ago? Third Eye Blind
8.What’s something on your bucket list you’d love to do? Eventually own my own Motorcycle
9.Do you have a nickname in the office? Not that I’m aware of!
10.Coke or Pepsi? I’ll have a Dr. Pepper!
11.What was your first job? I was 14 working for a retirement home.
12.At which store would you like to max-out your credit card? Oh, my! Probably Bass Pro’s!
13.What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? You cannot make someone happy until you’re happy.
14.If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose? Luck
15.What was the first thing you bought with your own money? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup 😊