We have found that many offices are beginning to work remotely due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. If you have never worked from home before, it can certainly feel like a vacation, however being out of your element can also put a halt to productivity. We have created a list of a few ways to help make the transition a little easier to insure productivity.
1. Minimize distractions-
This may seem like the impossible task especially for parents. I think the key here is to schedule your working hours and try to keep things as "normal" as possible. Minimize your distractions by knocking them out before you settle down to work. If you have kids at home, you may have to break your work up into smaller sections during the day.
2. Clear your office space of clutter-
Imagine sitting down to start your work day with piles of paper and sippy cups on your desk. A cluttered work space often lead to a cluttered mind so keeping your work space clean allows your mind to think clearly. Taking a little extra time to organize your work space can boost productivity and improve your overall happiness.
3. Incorporate your own style-
According to a study from the University of Exeter, making design decisions about your work space improves productivity, as well as health and happiness. In fact, the participants were found to have increased productivity of 32%. You don't need to run out to the store to make this happen. Bring in little elements you already have around the house to help make this space your own.
4. Include natural lighting-
A study from Carnegie Mellon University indicates that higher lighting levels and daylight simulating fixtures can improve productivity. Furthermore, in a study investigating day lighting in schools, students who studied in classrooms with the largest windows progressed 15% faster in math and 23% faster in reading than those with the lower levels of daylight.
When working from a home office, you have the luxury of choosing where your office is located to optimize light levels and natural light. Locating your office where you receive natural light is a great strategy to boost your productivity. For example, windows that face towards the south give you abundant sunshine, which is especially important during the winter months.
Improper lighting can cause eye fatigue and drowsiness, which hinders productivity. The hue of light is also a factor to take into consideration. Warm color temperatures are calming, while cool color temperatures stimulate productivity. Choosing an LED task light that allows you to change color temperature settings gives you the flexibility to select a suitable light for the task at hand.
5. Take breaks!!!
Your mind and body need a break so take breaks just like you would at the office. Eat lunch away from your desk or even go for a quick walk if you are able.
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. We are still open and fully operational so please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you need anything.