We at Elite think our staff are pretty awesome and want to give you the pleasure to get to know them as well!

Meet Mark...
What do you do for Elite? I perform lien searches on properties in the state of Florida.
What do you love most about your job? I love that I get to work with a group of amazing people. We’re family oriented here and we all care about each other. That culture starts from the top with Savannah…Steve Branson says “If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients” and that’s what happens here.
What is the best perk that you have had at a job? The best perk ever? The best perk is freedom and trust. There’s nothing more empowering than when your boss lets you do your thing because they trust you.
Describe yourself in 3 words. Goofy, compassionate, and loyal.
Do you have any hobbies? Right now I’ve been going to the gym, not sure if it’s considered a hobby, but it’s something I’m doing currently that I enjoy and that takes my time. My lifelong hobby is learning. I am always hungry for knowledge.
Do you volunteer anywhere? I have in the past but not currently. If I had more time, I would. I try to donate to causes when I can since I do not have the opportunity to volunteer much.
If you could close your eyes and be anywhere on earth when they opened, where would you be? This is something we can do now. Be in our mind’s eye. The imagination can create any landscape or environment you can think of. It’s just a matter of thought. If we’re being literal though…It is my dream to visit the Philippines (my mom’s home country) or to visit Japan (I love anime and Japanese culture). I’d also love to explore the Amazon.
What’s the 1 dish you absolutely, positively will never, ever eat? I am pretty open minded and have eaten some things that most people would find absolutely disgusting. I never will try a fruit called Durian fruit though. I am told that it tastes and smells like sewage and vomit all at once.
Who did you first see in concert? My first concert was to see a pop punk band called New Found Glory. I waited in line for hours, they had the show in store. Afterwards they had a meet n greet and the guitarist says to me when signing my cd “hey man I saw you out there! You were rocking out!” I’ll never forget…Thanks Chad. =)
If you had one free hour each day, how would you use it? I’d use it to meditate. Mindfulness is so important. We have these lives where a lot of it is “go go go” then when we have a chance to relax, we want to relax hard. It would be nice to have some time to reflect, focus and/or let it all go and be inside yourself…even for a moment.
What’s your greatest accomplishment so far in life? by far my greatest accomplishment is being a dad. Second only to surviving this long on this earth. Heh.
What’s the coolest experience you’ve ever had? being a dad. hands down. For me, nothing compares to seeing a life come from practically nothing then witnessing this being evolve into a conscious, independent person. It is the thrill of a lifetime.
If you could start your own dream business, what would it be? I can’t give that away…then my million dollar idea will get stolen. =X
Do you prefer white, dark or milk chocolate? Milk chocolate please. But really…Reese’s peanut butter cups. Come on!!
What’s your favorite quote? I have two… “Simplify, simplify” – Henry David Thoreau (from the book Walden) the other… “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.” – Terence McKenna
If you could have lunch with any two people living or deceased who would they be? 1) My mom. My mom passed away a few years ago and I’d do anything to have any kind of real face time with her again. She’s also the best cook I know. 2) Terence McKenna. He passed away in 2000. Terence was a philosopher, ethnobotanist, and explorer…amongst other things.