We at Elite think our staff are pretty awesome and want to give you the pleasure to get to know them as well!
Meet Sharmaine...

1. What do you do for Elite? I keep the zoo under control - Manager
2. What do you love most about your job? For me it’s a little different than the employees. I love that I get to work with one of the strongest woman I have even known. Savannah has shown me so much as a person that I strive to be. She has lifted my standards as an employee and as a boss. I also love how close knit family we are here.
3. What is the best perk that you have had at a job? The flexibility
4. Describe yourself in 3 words. Devoted, strong personality, kind
5. Do you have any hobbies? No not really, I’m always busy with kids!!
6. Do you volunteer anywhere? Bayside Community Church in Fusion (middle school age group)
7. If you could close your eyes and be anywhere on earth when they opened, where would you be? South Africa ... I just had friends go for their honeymoon and the picture are probably the most beautiful I have ever seen!!
8. What’s the 1 dish you absolutely, positively will never, ever eat? I can’t say I have one dish I wouldn’t eat!! I LOVE FOOD
9. Who did you first see in concert? Hahahah – New kids on the block!!!! Love them!!!
10. If you had one free hour each day, how would you use it? Watching crime shows or sleeping
11. What’s your greatest accomplishment so far in life? My children
12. What’s the coolest experience you’ve ever had? I have had a few of them but if I were to really think about it probably visiting Hawaii. Being able to experience swimming with sea turtles, volcano, the food, dancing, different kind of beaches etc I’d say it was probably one of the best times!!
13. If you could start your own dream business, what would it be? I would have no idea!
14. Do you prefer white, dark or milk chocolate? Milk Chocolate
15. What’s your favorite quote? Everything happens for a reason
16. If you could have lunch with any two-people living or deceased who would they be? My Grammy she’s amazing and miss her so much she died a few years ago. She was living in Hawaii when she passed so I wasn’t able to say goodbye. 2nd probably my real mother I’ve never met her.