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Upcoming Real Estate Trends

November 2, 2016 | Savannah Francis

Builders will focus on more affordable price points

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liensearch municipalliensearch elite customerservice communication Vacant HOA whywerock elitepropertyresearch realestate titleinsurance hiddenlien

The new normal time to close settles at 46 days

After rising, falling, and rising again in the wake of the implementation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule, the time to close a mortgage loan appears to finally be settling into a new normal – about a month and a half.

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liensearch municipalliensearch elite customerservice communication Vlog estoppel HOA whywerock elitepropertyresearch realestate titleinsurance hiddenlien municipality

The dreaded Estoppel

June 21, 2016 | Savannah Francis

Lets face is... Estoppels can be scary! Sometimes tracking down an associations information leaves you feeling like you just played a game of Clue. Is it Professor Plum in the kitchen with the knife? Or is it Mrs. Peacock in the lounge with the rope?

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