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Employee Spotlight- April

May 17, 2019 | Amber Henry

We at Elite think our staff are pretty awesome and want to give you the pleasure to get to know them as well!  Meet April!

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liensearch municipalliensearch customerservice elitepropertyresearch announcment future real estate tips education

The DFS Sure Knows How to Ruffle Feathers!

February 15, 2019 | Savannah Francis

Isn't it crazy how one statement can disrupt an entire industry?

Well that is what the DFS did to the title industry over the last week and a half. On February 6th the DFS posted their original statement regarding "3rd Party Fees". On February 13th they removed their statement and reissued a new one on February 14th. 

This new information sent our competition into a flurry, with only one mode of payment available what were they going to do? 

If you did not know Elite has been accepting credit payments since 2015. In 2017 we added a portal on our website that allows your clients to pay for their searches directly! The best part? Currently there are no additional fees to utilize this service for you or your clients! 

How is it done? 

1. Provide your client with the invoice # and amount due
2. Have them head over to http://www.elitepropertyresearch.com/payments 
3. They fill out the payment information and press 'submit'

And they're done. No need for a webinar to explain the process, it's really that simple! 

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liensearch elitepropertyresearch real estate tips social media marketing

Must Have Social Media Tools for Small Business

January 29, 2019 | Savannah Francis

We don't mean to brag or anything BUT social media... well, it's kind of our thing. There are so many tips and tricks we have learned throughout the years that help us reach more customers, and encourage interaction. 

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Insider elitepropertyresearch realestate homebuying future goals neutral real estate sell your home tips

5 Ways to Neutralize Your Home When You Are Ready To Sell

January 15, 2019 | Savannah Francis

The idea of selling a home seems so easy. You list it, people come see it, they make offers and BOOM! SOLD! However, selling a home for top dollar takes some skill and preparation. 

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News elite customerservice whywerock elitepropertyresearch hiddenlien announcment future social media

Elite Property Research Turns 5!

January 10, 2019 | Amber Henry

Put on your party suit! It's time for a Birthday Bash! 5 years is a BIG deal and big deals call for  big celebrations!!!

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Turkey Day Tips

November 15, 2018 | Amber Henry

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, everyone is in high gear preparing for family and friends. This can be a stressful time for many people so we have thrown together some tips to help make this thankful day a little easier on you!

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elite customerservice whywerock elitepropertyresearch employee spotlight

Employee Spotlight- Lydia

November 1, 2018 | Amber Henry

We at Elite think our staff are pretty awesome and want to give you the pleasure to get to know them as well!  Meet Lydia!

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whywerock elitepropertyresearch announcment employee spotlight halloween

Spooky Spirit Week at Elite!

October 29, 2018 | Amber Henry

If you follow us on any sort of social media, you should know by now that we love to get creative around the office! So with Halloween right around the corner we used it as an excuse to get wild! 


Spirit Week this year definitely topped the last! 

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6 Real Estate Superstitions You Need To Know

October 9, 2018 | Sarah Colmorgen
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municipalliensearch elite whywerock elitepropertyresearch realestate hiddenlien employee spotlight

Employee Spotlight- Mareko

September 27, 2018 | Amber Henry

We at Elite think our staff are pretty awesome and want to give you the pleasure to get to know them as well!  Meet Mareko!

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